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Monday, March 29, 2010

Final Fantasy Versus XIII

Final Fantasy Versus XIII involves Noctis Lucis Caelum, the last heir to an isolated nation, which holds the last Crystal protected by kings. Its isolation is due to the city's resistance to protect itself against invading heretics.The game has been said to initiate at the "clearing" of a long cold war between warring nations that revolved around the crystals.

The official trailer starts with the words, "This is a fantasy based on reality." The trailer shows modern technology such as cars, freeways, automatic weapons, and bears a striking resemblance to the real world today.

Part of three Final Fantasy XIII games from Sqaure-Enix. This Game it's about a fight between ancient and modern technology, and the struggle of one king to protect the old ways.

Genre: Action RPG
Publisher: Square Enix
Developer: Square Enix

Release Date:December 31 2010
Store Price: $59.99
Exclusively on: PlayStation 3

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